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Bikes for the World 2022

On Saturday morning, November 19, from 10 am to 1 pm, Middle School Students will be preparing bikes for shipment for Bikes for the World. If you have used or unwanted bikes let us know!

Pond Rejuvenation Project 2022

We are excited to inform you that the rejuvenation of the pond is underway. The contractor, Lake Services, is in the process of returning the pond to its original shape and depth. Read on here to find out more about why we are doing this from Facilities Manager, Pat Sheehan.

COVID Update: Early May 2022

We have had a number of COVID cases over the past 2-3 weeks and across several classes. As a result, we have received some good COVID-related questions. Here is some info and answers…

The War in Ukraine: Another Teachable Moment

Pat Harden, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion & Counselor, shares advice and resources for parents on ways to help children and young people understand and process feelings around complex events near and far: national realities around race, gender identity, public health, international conflict, natural disasters, and human rights issues around the world.

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Burgundy is a one-of-a-kind independent school for Junior Kindergarten through 8th Grade. We believe children learn best in an inclusive, creative, and nurturing environment that engages the whole child.

3700 Burgundy Road
Alexandria, VA 22303

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©2025 Burgundy Farm Country Day School

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