Dear Burgundy Community, 

Bigotry and hate against Asian Americans and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities have occurred in the US throughout our history (here’s a link to an overview). Verbal and physical violence against these communities has increased dramatically during the pandemic as COVID-19-related rhetoric has inflamed prejudice. This activity has been a topic of dialogue in our classrooms. Just as we have been compelled to speak up as a school and community against racial violence against African Americans and other groups, so too must we take a more visible stand together against this ongoing rhetoric, violence and crime against the AAPI community.

Unfortunately, this violence and hate directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders too often has gone under-recognized. The mass murders this week in Georgia are only the most recent of a pronounced increase in violence against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. As a school and community committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, we support the AAPI community within our school and across the nation and strongly condemn all forms of bias and violence. And we urge families to talk about recent events as well as historical prejudice. What specifically can you do? To understand the extent and types of bias and violence that recently have taken place, or to learn more about the history of bias and violence against AAPI people, visit

In peace,


Head of School