Our spring teams have become more competitive; the teamwork throughout the school day and during games is beautiful to see, and the leadership from our 8th graders has been phenomenal.
Community service and service learning at Burgundy grow from our mission. These hands-on activities instill respect for diversity, and teach responsibility for self, for others, and for the natural world. Especially during Middle School, community service opportunities are often shared with parents, creating memorable and meaningful inter-generational experiences. One of the central and explicit goals of progressive education is to prepare students for their eventual roles as intelligent and contributing members of the American democracy. Service within Burgundy’s curriculum and on its campuses helps students understand their place in each of their communities: home, school, country and the world.
We introduce to students in all grades developmentally appropriate ways they can serve their communities. We have collected and distributed food and clothing, helped with literacy campaigns, collected and prepare bikes for transport, served in community- and nation-wide service days, and more.