Burgundy students love school because we understand and honor children’s love of learning. Students’ love of learning remains high year after year as we continue to nurture students’ natural curiosity about the world, people, and living things around them.
It all begins with the individual learner. We treat children like the unique and whole persons they are; we strive to meet them where they are developmentally. The foundation for success is this: We respect and build on children’s lived experience, ensuring that each child feels welcomed and part of a learning community, supported, engaged, and challenged to grow and learn.
Our campuses are an essential component of the Burgundy Advantage.
At our Alexandria campus, a former dairy farm, every indoor learning area opens to outdoor space and woods. Nature is our laboratory for hands-on science and an ideal setting for active learning projects, whether at the Barn, pond, or stream in Alexandria, or at our 506-acre Burgundy Center for Wildlife Studies in West Virginia. Our Alexandria campus includes a one-of-a-kind Discovery Playground and other unique outdoor learning structures and spaces. The new Logan Loft is an incredible arts and community center featuring our theater, numerous arts classrooms and gallery space. The Logan Loft front porch and the adjacent campus commons welcome all to Burgundy and provide lovely spaces for meeting, having coffee or a reception, playing, or just reading a book or having a conversation.
The Burgundy Family, like our campus, is a diverse, interesting, beautiful, colorful tapestry. Our students, nearly 40% from diverse backgrounds, learn to be proud of their differences and interested in their commonalities and differences, because our diversity makes us collectively stronger. Our graduates are confident, articulate students who are comfortable in their own skins. Burgundy alumni thrive in a range of exceptional college preparatory high schools and universities, where they are well known, and they enter a range of professions.
At the core of our program’s success are:
- A challenging, engaging, integrated, and well rounded academic and co-curricular program;
- Excellent teachers who know and love their students and their craft; and
- A close educational collaboration between families and the school.
At Burgundy, we live, as we have for nearly 75 years, the tenets of holistic, student-focused, progressive education. We have always taught the whole child. Many schools today avow student-centeredness and individualized instruction, diversity and multiculturalism, and environmental and global awareness as central to their missions. At Burgundy, these values were cornerstones of our school’s founding, and we continue to model them! We invite you to visit our unique Alexandria campus to experience for yourself the magic of Burgundy!