Home > About > Diversity > NAIS AIM Survey


Introduction to AIM

For more than 10 years, the NAIS Assessment of Inclusivity and Multiculturalism (AIM) has provided schools with a deep understanding of the climate of inclusion on their campuses, from current and past students to teachers, administrators, and trustees.

Burgundy strives to live up to our founders’ ideals as they apply to all areas of human diversity. We are using the AIM process at this time to call our community into a conversation to help identify both areas of strength and areas for improvement in this important aspect of our mission. 


AIM consists of two major parts:

1. An online climate survey that is distributed to current employees and parents, older students (4th-8th grade), along with alumni and their parents from the past five years. This survey will be released the week of January 17th, 2022 and be active through early February.

a) All questions were developed by NAIS.
b) The survey is available online only.
c) The survey for older students, adults, and alum takes 15-20 minutes to complete.
d) There is a simplified, 10-minute survey that will be given to students in 4th through 6th grade.
e) Student survey links will be emailed to students and they will be given time during the school day to complete them. Students who are not present on that day, may complete them on their own.
f) All survey data will be compiled by NAIS who will then send us their findings as well as the comments that were made in the survey.
g) Full community participation is important to this process. We hope all who received a survey will complete it promptly. (If you are part of the Burgundy Community that was here longer than five years ago and you have thoughts or questions about DEI work at Burgundy we welcome them. Please feel free to reach out to Pat Harden or Daisa Harris in the Alumni Office)


2. Discussion groups with members drawn from the above groups that will discuss and reflect on our work in these areas, drawing from their multiple perspectives. These groups will gather for two sessions in February. Notes from these groups become part of our final report.

Once the process is completed, we will submit a final report to NAIS and share the findings with our full community as well as action steps that are indicated by our findings. We expect to share information by the end of the 2021-22 school year.


Our AIM work is guided by a dedicated steering committee:

  • Co-Chair: Pat Harden, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and School Counselor
  • Co-Chair: Elizabeth Lener, Assistant Head of School and Lower School Head
  • Kamilah Mitchell, Junior Kindergarten Teacher
  • Cathy Guertin, Executive Assistant to the Head of School
  • Angela Baek, 4th/5th grade Teacher
  • Doug Fishman, MS Science Teacher
  • Georgie Ballew, Communications and PR Director

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Spring Sports Recap from Jerad

Our spring teams have become more competitive; the teamwork throughout the school day and during games is beautiful to see, and the leadership from our 8th graders has been phenomenal.

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Burgundy is a one-of-a-kind independent school for Junior Kindergarten through 8th Grade. We believe children learn best in an inclusive, creative, and nurturing environment that engages the whole child.

3700 Burgundy Road
Alexandria, VA 22303

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©2025 Burgundy Farm Country Day School

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